BRIDGEND 1861( Photo 1 ) . Nolton street, Bridgend , circa 1900. Bridgend 1861 THE GOOD OLD DAYS. A year in the life of Bridgend town. It was a time...
A SHORT HISTORY OF BRIDGEND TOWNS PUBLIC HOUSES AND INNS. PART 2PART TWO OLDCASTLE NOLTON STREET ( Photo 1 ) . A 1879 map of Bridgend showing the areas of Newcastle and Oldcastle in relation to each...
BRIDGEND 1841(Photo 1 ) Bridgend town circa 1840. Bridgend 1841 THE GOOD OLD DAYS. A year in the life of Bridgend town. It was a time when ship wreaks...
Bridgend 18711871 THE GOOD OLD DAYS. Bridgend 1871 A year in the life of Bridgend town. It was a time when women brawling in the street were fined 1...
Pub Tokens and MemorabiliaPub Tokens and Memorabilia In the UK, during the 17th to 20th centuries, Public Houses and Inns sometimes issued tokens which could be...